A native of Saguenay-Lac St-Jean, Marie-France Boisvert capitalizes more than twenty years of experience through her art through the creation of paintings and sculptures. In 1997, she obtained a Bachelor of Design degree from Laval University in Quebec City and in 2004 she redirected her passion to another Interdisciplinary Baccalaureate in Sculpture from the University of Quebec in Chicoutimi. It was finally in 2008 that she confirmed her artistic approach with obtaining a Master's degree in creation at the same university. Now working in Montreal, Marie-France Boisvert continues with the same zeal to accumulate awards, mentions and recognitions from her peers by exhibiting in Canada, the United States and Europe.
I create to satisfy my own need to exist...the design of my work revolves around the idea of human structure as a place of emotional investigation. I create a translation between the body, the self and the other, then the others and finally the space. The rhythm of the work dissolves, the image collapses, without losing its materiality. The texture of the paintings begins to join the notion of sculpture; it is no longer paint, it is traces of passage, shards of light that cling to the surface.
Spaces and characters transgress the formal reality of perceptions and define the challenge of new perceptions. Thus, the immateriality of the image, its regression towards the informal, seeks to promote the deployment of its meaning in such a way as to allow a rapprochement between the artist and the viewer. In my creative process, the aspect of the work does not cover interpretation. The subject imposes itself, its indefinite forms adjoining space to grasp infinity.